Monday, May 3, 2010

Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly had an incredible amount of things to discuss with his audiences. I think he did a fantastic job describing the internet, the web, how people thought it would work, and its progression.
When he first was explaining the complexity of the internet I was not at all surprised at the huge numbers he presented about the number of clicks and emails a day and how many links exist (55 trillion I think). however, i was very surprised when he compared the web to the human brain and compared the number of connections. With the power and speed that technology can advance at it is strange to think that this machine will have the connections of 6 billion human brains. Even crazier is the different uses this can lead too.
Kelly talked about how eventually every item will have a computer chip that links it to the internet somehow. the extension of this is already evident in a new Adidas shoe that has a computer chip which allows the shoes to alter the level of cushion based on weight, speed, and terrain. With everything becoming so connected I continually find myself wondering about the dangers it can lead too, but Kelly addresses them calmly. He talks about the potential of these applications in such a positive manner and explains how we are all apart of this one massive machine. He mentions artificial intelligence but states that it is not as though the machines will take over, but simply make things easier for users.
I still am unsure how I completely feel about the future of the web, primarily because of how heavily people rely on it already. Kelly makes an interesting connection though saying that the alphabet and writing are just tools also that our society is completely reliant on and this machine will be the same. He explains that many of the potential benefits will require complete and total transparency, but i think it will be an idea that looks perfect on paper, but is never fully functional in practice.
In the end, the next 5000 days for the web can be really exciting with new progress and applications. The new generation of the internet will not be just a better version of what we have now. Kelly explains that it will be better, but completely new as well. Every device will be a window for users to connect to the one giant machine that links to everyone around the world.

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